A leading establishment in the field of import, export and production of raw materials and equipment. The company aims since it established in 1983 to deliver the jordan markt in general and Arab markt in particular all the different types of raw materials, overhead cranes, machines, electric motors and much more services in the industrial sector to thier customers right time with best quality. The company import mostly from europe in general and germany in particular and it's also has suppliers from korea, china,taiwan and turkey. Our team consist of more than 50 worker and qualified technician in the industrial field to provide industrial services and integrated solutions. Our team specializes in the field of installation and maintenance overhead cranes and much more tools in hangars and factories.
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Office #112, Al Husseini Complex,
314 Zahran Street
7th Circle, Amman, Jordan
Sun. - Thu. 09:00 - 18:00